Friday 13 February 2015

The Difference Between Sex and Sexuality

“When a peacock dances you don’t condemn it, but the dance is sex; it is to attract the female. When the cuckoo calls you don’t condemn it; it is sex. The cuckoo is simply declaring, “I am ready.” The cuckoo is simply calling forth the woman. The sound, the beautiful sound, is just a seduction; it is courtship.”
Sex is beautiful, sexuality is ugly, and the difference has to be understood. Sex is a natural phenomenon. Sexuality is unnatural, abnormal and pathological. When sex becomes cerebral, when sex enters in your head, it becomes sexuality.
Now, the head is not the center for sex. It is getting into confusion, it is getting upside down, it is getting deranged. Sex is not the function of the head, but when sex enters in through the head it becomes sexuality. Then you think about sex, then you fantasize about sex. And the more you think, the more you fantasize about it, the more you will get into trouble because then nothing real will ever satisfy you because there is no limitation on fantasy, and reality is limited.
For example, if you start thinking too much about sex you can create beautiful women – women which are only your fantasy; you will never find them anywhere in the world. Or men…you will never come across them. No real woman or man will ever satisfy you because of the fantasy. No real man or woman can fulfill your expectations of fantasy. Fantasy is fantasy; it is a dream.
You can fantasize a woman who does not perspire, whose body has no body odor. You can fantasize a woman who is always sweet and never bitter. You can fantasize a woman who is always loving and warm and welcoming and never nags you and is never angry, never throws pillows at you. You can fantasize a woman who never ages, who remains always stuck at eighteen years of age – who is always fresh, always young, always beautiful, never falls ill, never makes any demands on you, never betrays you, never looks at any other man with longing, with desire. You can fantasize to no limit, but you will not find this woman anywhere. Now you have created a problem – you are no longer naturally attuned to your sex.
Nature is perfectly capable to be fulfilled, but fantasy cannot be fulfilled. You may find your woman in girly magazines, in pornographic books, but you will not find her in reality. And whosoever you will find in reality will fall short.
That is the problem the West is facing – it has fantasized too much about sex. The West has become sexual through fantasy; the East has become sexual through repression. Both have become sexual and both have lost the natural capacities of enjoying sex. Both have become pathological through different routes. The West has become pathological by fantasizing sex as being the ultimate goal of life, and the East has become pathological by thinking that sex is the ultimate barrier between godliness and man.
Sex is neither: neither is it the ultimate goal nor the ultimate barrier. Sex is a simple phenomenon as hunger or thirst; there is nothing more to it. Neither is it what the Eastern mind has been thinking about it. The Eastern mind is too afraid of sex. Out of fear, sex has moved into the head; through the door of fear it entered into the head.
So the Eastern so-called saints are simply fantasizing about sex because they have repressed it. And that which you repress goes on coming up again and again. It cannot be destroyed; nothing can ever be destroyed by repression. Repression makes sex pathological sexuality. This is one extreme.
The West has moved to another extreme. The other extreme is, fantasize about it. Sex is all, everything else is secondary, so have as much sex as you can. But you cannot have too much sex. There are limitations to the body, but you can fantasize as much as you want, there is no limitation to it. So pornography exists, blue films exist, girly magazines exist, and people are being fed on these illusory mirages. Then no woman, no real man will ever satisfy you.
These are both pathological states. Sexuality is pathological; whether you come to it through greed or fear does not matter. The East has become ill through fear; the West has become ill through greed. Greed and fear are two aspects of the same coin. So on the surface it looks very different, that the East and the West are poles apart. They are not. Those who know, those who can see, can see that it is the same foolishness, the same stupidity. They have arrived to the same stupidity from different doors, that is true, but they have entered into the same place. And both have to be awakened, and both have to be made more enlightened about sex.
Don’t make much fuss about sex either way, that is the first fundamental. If you want sex to become love, the first fundamental is accept sex as an absolutely natural phenomenon. Don’t bring your metaphysics to it, don’t bring your religion to it. It has nothing to do with religion or metaphysics, it is a simple fact of life. It is a way life produces itself. It is as simple as the trees bringing flowers and fruits – you don’t condemn the flowers. Flowers are sex; it is through the flowers that the tree is sending its seeds, its potentiality, to other trees.
When a peacock dances you don’t condemn it, but the dance is sex; it is to attract the female. When the cuckoo calls you don’t condemn it; it is sex. The cuckoo is simply declaring, “I am ready.” The cuckoo is simply calling forth the woman. The sound, the beautiful sound, is just a seduction; it is courtship.
If you watch life you will be surprised. The whole of life is through sex. Life reproduces itself through sex. It is a natural phenomenon, don’t drag unnecessary rationalizations into it.
This is the first thing to be understood if you ever want any transformation of sex energy. The first thing is don’t deny it, don’t reject it, don’t repress it. Don’t be too greedy about it, don’t think that this is all – this is not. There is much more to life. And sex is beautiful. Still, there is much more to life, sex is only the foundation, it is not the whole temple.
Repressed, it becomes sexuality. Fantasized, it becomes sexuality. One is an Eastern way of transforming sex into pathology, the other is a Western way. But nobody, either in the East or in the West, accepts that sex is a simple natural phenomenon. Neither the saints nor the sinners – nobody accepts sex to be a simple natural phenomenon. Both are obsessed with it, hence I say both are not different. Sex accepted, respected, lived, becomes love.

Monday 12 January 2015

Little Known Laws of Karma (That Will Change Your Life)

 What is Karma? Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. It is equivalent to Newton's law of ‘every action must have a reaction’. When we think, speak or act we initiate a force that will react accordingly. This returning force maybe modified, changed or suspended, but most people will not be able eradicate it. 

This law of cause and effect is not punishment, but is wholly for the sake of education or learning. A person may not escape the consequences of his actions, but he will suffer only if he himself has made the conditions ripe for his suffering. Ignorance of the law is no excuse whether the laws are man-made or universal. To stop being afraid and to start being empowered in the worlds of karma and reincarnation, here is what you need to know about karmic laws. 

THE GREAT LAW - "As you sow, so shall you reap". This is also known as the "Law of Cause and Effect". - Whatever we put out in the Universe is what comes back to us. - If what we want is Happiness, Peace, Love, Friendship... Then we should BE Happy, Peaceful, Loving and a True Friend. 

THE LAW OF CREATION - Life doesn't just HAPPEN, it requires our participation. - We are one with the Universe, both inside and out. - Whatever surrounds us gives us clues to our inner state. - BE yourself, and surround yourself with what you want to have present in your Life. 

THE LAW OF HUMILITY - What you refuse to accept, will continue for you. - If what we see is an enemy, or someone with a character trait that we find to be negative, then we ourselves are not focused on a higher level of existence. 

THE LAW OF GROWTH - "Wherever you go, there you are". - For us to GROW in Spirit, it is we who must change - and not the people, places or things around us. - The only given we have in our lives is OURSELVES and that is the only factor we have control over. - When we change who and what we are within our heart our life follows suit and changes too. 

THE LAW OF RESPONSIBILITY - Whenever there is something wrong in my life, there is something wrong in me. - We mirror what surrounds us - and what surrounds us mirrors us; this is a Universal Truth. - We must take responsibility what is in our life. 

THE LAW OF CONNECTION - Even if something we do seems inconsequential, it is very important that it gets done as everything in the Universe is connected. - Each step leads to the next step, and so forth and so on. - Someone must do the initial work to get a job done. - Neither the first step nor the last are of greater significance, - As they were both needed to accomplish the task. - Past-Present-Future they are all connected... 

THE LAW OF FOCUS - You can not think of two things at the same time. - When our focus is on Spiritual Values, it is impossible for us to have lower thoughts such as greed or anger. 

THE LAW OF GIVING AND HOSPITALITY - If you believe something to be true,then sometime in your life you will be called upon to demonstrate that particular truth. - Here is where we put what we CLAIM that we have learned, into actual PRACTICE. 

THE LAW OF HERE AND NOW - Looking backward to examine what was, prevents us from being totally in the HERE AND NOW. - Old thoughts, old patterns of behavior, old dreams... - Prevent us from having new ones. 

THE LAW OF CHANGE - History repeats itself until we learn the lessons that we need to change our path. 

THE LAW OF PATIENCE AND REWARD - All Rewards require initial toil. - Rewards of lasting value require patient and persistent toil. - True joy follows doing what we're suppose to be doing, and waiting for the reward to come in on its own time. 

THE LAW OF SIGNIFICANCE AND INSPIRATION - You get back from something whatever YOU have put into it. - The true value of something is a direct result of the energy and intent that is put into it. - Every personal contribution is also a contribution to the Whole. - Lack luster contributions have no impact on the Whole, nor do they work to diminish it. - Loving contributions bring life to, and inspire, the Whole. 

Friday 9 January 2015

Beware the CandyMan ~ don't get Willy Wonked

Beware the Candyman – Don’t Get Willy Wonked 300x210 Beware the Candyman – Don’t Get Willy Wonked
This has mostly to do with the conscious community but can be applied at any level. Wherever there is spiritual juice you’ll find the givers, the takers, and the very clever manipulators. It’s just a fact of life. Some people just can’t help themselves, they see an “opportunity” wherever they look, whether consciously or subconsciously.
Yes, there are spiritual forces at play, often the same kind they claim to be delivering others from. Sad thing is they prey on the willing, those who have had an awakening at any level who want to take their new found freedom further, and better themselves and the suffering world around them.
I’ve always tended to be rather naive, trusting in the best in people. I’ll always bend toward that side, but there’s a time to get savvy. Just because someone professes much of what you’ve come to learn does not make them a source you can trust. Much of what we get from the new age movement is obviously so. Selling this and that “alternative” realization, spiritual clearing technique or healing package does not mean it’s bonafide.
Having to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves” comes to mind…
The Candyman Can
This came to me reflecting on the many seemingly “attractive” offers from internet sources cropping up in our midst. All kinds of therapies and treatments, psychic and otherwise, are being offered, much like an alternative drugstore. The hawkers are rife on the net and some are preying on the innocent like hungry hornets devouring a beehive… again, consciously or not.
The driven are often blinded by their lust.
What normally comes to mind with most people are the obvious psychic network TV types or sleazy carnival and streetside hawkers, although even some of those are legit. The ones you have to watch out for are those slickly embedded in the alternative and new age community fabric.
The Candyman can alright.
Being preyed upon is not just from the external matrix, but the internal one as well. I treasure my life experience, so when someone tries to play me for my generosity of spirit it burns pretty bad. The abuses are often out of pure envy, because the insecure and selfishly afflicted can’t help themselves from doing so. They have to bring the playing field down to their level where they consider it fair.
It’s a form of jealous revenge. A matrix attribute for sure, but it’s oh so subtle in the oft extremely sensitive conscious alternative realm.
Religion is a grotesque manifestation of this that can easily be identified. The issue I’m addressing is a very subtle virus, a worm working in our midst, no matter how it’s disguised or where it comes from. But it’s easily called out and shrinks quickly when confronted. The challenge is identifying it, especially after it has had its chance to do damage to your spiritual software.

Do Unto Others? – Suck Ups, Groupies and Sycophants

While we’re at it we should address these unsavory phenomena. While we’ve all fallen for varying levels of these unconscious behaviors and been led by or swept into emotionally driven trends and machinations, we need to call it like it is – both to help others as well as to keep ourselves from the sticky, infectious craftiness of the kling-ons.
One interesting phenomenon that is quite empowering is knowing that those who expect and revel in this dependent energy via adoration and subservience are invariably subjected to the same dynamic, some revered personality they latch on to or embodied source of some sort they consider above and beyond them, generally another layer of hierarchy, that will help elevate them in the process. The illuminati, to generalize, for example are horrifically bound to obligatory actions, oaths and ceremony and report to way higher authorities, those that granted them their temporal powers from both here and beyond.
Pretty sad. But this aspect will be evident in the types that expect it of others. It’s a dead giveaway. That and their proud shallow arrogance in their effort to give off the air of authority when actually possessing none. The truly free have realized that all of that is part of the matrix at lower vibrational occult levels. The less aware will have a harder time discerning this.
That’s my concern.


If this makes sense to you and resonates at some level you probably already innately know this to some extent, and you’ll soon see more and more manifestations of this subversive aspect. Admittedly nothing is black and white, but when you see a trend or have misgivings, know you’re not alone in all of this and that your misgivings regarding your situation at hand may very well not be unfounded.
This is a great time to get centered, look objectively around you, and even check with trusted friends and colleagues about your suspicions. Everything deserves investigation.
An important point to make here is that this isn’t to say many worthy empowering products, voices and services don’t deserve our support. Not at all. The overwhelming majority of alternative information I’ve seen testifies to the good works taking place that well deserve our supportive energy and finances. Those abound and we should be generous and supportive.
The difference is in the taking. The control. The inherent dominance anyone requires of you as a subject is a danger signal, under which we become debilitated deer in the headlights. That is and should be alarming.
We are our own solution. The rest is peripheral.

Sweet Relief

Notice the Candyman gives what the kids clamor for. Seemingly innocent perhaps at some level, which is the intent, but clearly Willy and Co. are playing on accentuated desires. “And the candyman makes the world taste good cuz he thinks it should”… as he goes on to direct them to the high priest of sweets, the seditious and manipulative yet seemingly wonderful and magical Willy Wonka – your archetypical Wizard of Ooze.
Dependency programming is at its very root.
Watch for it. Be careful to not be too cynical about everything as there’s wonderful folks doing wonderful things, but don’t get taken advantage of. There’s plenty of maladjusted people like voracious vendors at a pop festival ready to play you with cheap goods, rip off prices and bad drugs, and then they skip out in the shadows.
Of course not all are that bad, but definitely not all are all that good.
Test the waters and walk circumspectly.
Staying at a higher vibrational level and not coming under the power of others is more important now than ever.
Much love, Zen
Source : By Zen Gardner Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Wednesday 7 January 2015

This Is How The Elite Stay In Power. The World Needs To Know


Greed, poverty, inequality, environmental destruction, war… how do they, at the top of the hierarchy, pull it off? How can a system in which so few make the important decisions, be able to sit comfortably in their pile of wealth while the rest of the world goes to waste? How can a small group of men in suits be able to direct the current in which an entire human society moves?

It’s Simpler Than Most Think

We think it’s complicated. We think that their power is acquired in a very complex, political and scientific way. And it sure may seem that way behind the scenes. But there’s one thing we forget to ask: What is the life force of this system?

With all of the police versus protester conflict and race wars going on as of late, I felt inspired to deliver a message that I believe we need to be reminded of if we want to get out of this mess, reclaim our power and create a more beautiful world. We often think it only has to do with fighting back and blaming the oppressor… but here’s another perspective:
The race issue based on skin colour is a deeply emotional one among many, that has caused unimaginable separation and was used very craftily to position large groups of people against each other. This is a wake-up call to all those who believe they are free because of race or class or wealth. We have all been denied freedom and dignity, trapped in a life of servitude to the banking families and their economic stranglehold on our planet – no matter what colour our skin may be.” – Michael TellingerUBUNTU Contributionism – A Blueprint For Human Prosperity

Source: “This Is How The Elite Stay In Power. The World Needs To Know,” from, by Elina St-Onge

Someone Asked The Dalai Lama What Surprises Him Most, His Response Was Mind Altering

You could say that the Dalai Lama is a pretty interesting guy, after all his stance on extra terrestrial life is quite interesting. During an interview the Dalai Lama was asked what surprises him the most, his response was quite mind altering.
“Man surprised me most about humanity.
Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. 
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. 
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; 
the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”
Pretty striking and powerful stuff if you really take it in. Sure, it’s easy to read this quote and move onto another page or video or whatever we may be doing, but if you truly take the time to let this reverberate in your conscious mind for a few minutes, the true meaning and profoundness of what he’s saying will kick in.

Everything Is Backwards On Earth!

We do so many things backwards here. We go about our lives in such a destructive manner on so many levels, only to use money to fix it. In order to get that money we have to work most of our days at jobs we for the most part don’t like -which of course is not good for your health to begin with. We do all this while thinking of all the toys we can buy with the money or saving for retirement that we may never make it to. It appears as though we live to work more than anything else here. In a sense we are like slaves only we don’t know it.
The Dalai Lama’s quote and what it inspires within me reminds me of one of my favorite quotes that I feel sums up how we do things here in such a beautiful way.
“Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.” – Michael Ellner
This may be very obvious to you or it may come as a surprise to you and you might think, what do you mean? None of those things are true. To that I would respond, look around, truly look at how each one of the things mentioned in that quote operate and you will notice very quickly the shear truth that exists within those words.
Source: “Someone Asked The Dalai Lama What Surprises Him Most, His Response Was Mind Altering,” from, by Joe Martino

Things We All Need To Stop Believing & What To Do Instead

Life is a complicated journey filled with joy, hardship and everything in between. As much as the things that happen to us are inherently the way that they are, I believe that we determine to what extent they affect us. We determine how much of a “pick me up” or roadblock they’re going to be, and it’s often the beliefs that come with each experience that play a deciding role. Beliefs that -for the most part -we seem to have widely accepted as a collective.
As we begin a new year, we often set for ourselves -myself included -a series of goals or life changes that we would like to accomplish or implement over the course of this calendar year. In hopes of helping you accomplish that which you are striving for, here are 10 things I feel we need to stop believing:

1. Life is hard

How many times have you gone through an experience that in the moment of it seemed like the end of the world, only later to be something that you moved on and learned something from -in some cases were even grateful for? Life may have its hard moments but it is not inherently hard, unless you believe it to be. The genuinely hard moments will be enough to gratify your need for a challenge, there is no need to make minor bumps into hard times as well.
An alternative view: Life is a roller coaster in which we determine how smooth or intense it gets. There may be some built-in steep drops, but an expectation for the ride to be filled with them will do nothing but create an unnecessarily way more intense ride. Take a breath and take in each moment before reacting to it.

2. They have it easy

Comparison. It’s something we all do and often don’t like to admit. We gauge our own lives based on how we perceive the lives of others to be, often mocking the simplicity another has to deal with. Just like most would never be able to truly understand your experience, never will you be able to properly understand theirs, so stop preoccupying yourself with it.
An alternative view: Rather than complaining, focus on your own life and figure out what works best for your unique situation.

3. They think I’m __________

This one goes hand in hand with number two, and together they can make one disgusting couple. We are all self-conscious to varying degrees and no matter where we stand on the spectrum it’s completely unnecessary.
An alternative view: Chances are the person you’re concerned about judging you, is too concerned with how they believe you to be judging them to even take notice of what you’re self-conscious about. Focus on being the truest version of yourself and not a fake “safe” version that minimizes your chances of being perceived poorly.

4. That was all luck

You finally have something good happen in your life and you choose to chalk it up to luck rather than give yourself credit. Law of attraction stuff aside, I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I’m not suggesting that you become a credit hog, but stop casting great experiences aside to the pessimistic luck pile.
An alternative view: You play a bigger role in the life you live and what happens to you than you think, so accept the good experiences and let them further motivate you to keep pushing forward.

5. I’ll do it tomorrow

Tomorrow is the day that everything changes. It’s the day I start going to gym regularly. It’s the day I get going on that diet. It’s the day I start writing my book. The only thing it has a tendency to actually be is the day that never comes.
An alternative view: Make tomorrow today and take control of the life you live. Accomplishing goals is a process, but the only way you’ll get there is by actually starting the process.

6. I need my partner to complete me

Relationships can be a wonderful experience, but they aren’t the experience that dictates the life you live, YOU dictate the life you live. If you aren’t in a relationship, a view that you need a relationship to feel complete and happy will more than likely further cripple you from finding it. If you’re in a relationship and you feel that it is what completes you, that’s quite the house of cards to be standing on -especially given the overall global trend in relationship longevity.
An alternative view: See relationships as an extension to the human experience and not the basis of the human experience. Work on your relationship with yourself, it’ll be the greatest gift you can give to any other relationships you may have.

7. I can’t do anything big, I’m just one person in a very big world

We all want to change the world, but when it comes to actually doing it most of us belittle ourselves at the seeming size of the mountain to be climbed. We feel that the peak can only be reached with thousands of others by our side, therefore there is no point trying at all.
An alternative view: Everything you see in front of you started as an idea, an idea that was hatched by one individual -an individual that decided to do something about it. Did they more than likely receive the help and support of dozens of others along the way? Most likely. But those others only showed up because they were willing to take the first step. Stop waiting for all your cards to fall into place before taking action, you need to start with what you have to even give the cards a reason to show up.

8. I’ll never get over that

Life experiences can certainly be very traumatic, and through this I’m not suggesting that we completely let go and forget all that has happened to us. What I am referring to are the smaller instances that we choose to blow up and let forever taint how we view or treat another -and in some cases the level to which we trust the entire world. An example would be that a former partner of yours once cheated on you, because of that you will now forever treat them like shit, see the person they did it with as “easy” and now be even more guarded and non-trusting towards all future partners -even though they had absolutely nothing to do with it.
An alternative view: See everything for the lesson that it provided and grow from it. Let go of whoever you need to let go of, but don’t carry the baggage of how you see them as purse everywhere you go. Treat every new experience exactly for what it is: a new experience.

9. My family has been doing it that way for years

Traditions can be great, but in the same breath certain traditions can also be quite limiting and comical. To help illustrate this I’m going to use an infamous little story:
It was Thanksgiving and a husband asked his wife why she was cutting the ends off of a perfectly good roast before placing it in the oven. She replied “my mother always did it this way.” Curious, the man went to ask his mother-in-law why she cut the ends off of the roast. She replied “because my mother always did it that way.” Luckily, his mother-in-law’s mother was still alive so he went to go ask her why she cut the ends off of the roast, to which she replied, “because I didn’t have a big enough pan to fit the entire thing.”
An alternative view: Rather than blindly accepting all traditions, truly look at them for what they are and determine whether or not they still make sense to upkeep. The world is changing, imagine how much quicker it’ll change if we start to think more critically and make our own decisions.

10. I was born that way

This statement is far too often used as a badge of honour and a badge of shame. We use it to boast about certain skills or talents we may have had for as long as we can remember. We also use it to justify our shortcomings. Aside from certain physical attributes -body augmentation aside -there is very little that we cannot change about ourselves, we just don’t give ourselves a chance to.
An alternative view: View life based on the moment rather than the accumulation of all of your past experiences. You may have developed certain tendencies and character traits that have been re-enforced by years of portraying and believing them, but they can be shifted. Many of you may disagree with this, but I don’t think any of us are actually born stubborn for example, we’re all just born cute and malleable to become whatever life shapes us into.
What are your thoughts on these 10 beliefs? I’m sure there are bound to be at least a couple that you disagree with. Feel free to share your views and any ideas for others that could have been included via the comment section below.

Monday 5 January 2015

Are We Programmed To Be Depressed?

It is said that we are now living in the era of enlightenment; we are beginning to wake up and take responsibility for our lives through the power of mind, the law of attraction and many other sci-spiritual advancements. It’s an exciting time to be alive, but none of this is new information. Most of what we know today, about creating our reality, was actually coming to light in the early 1900’s. This is when quantum physics first made its debut and we were learning about the power of mental science through brilliant writers, scientists and philosophers such as Charles Haanel and many others.
The 1920’s was a very exciting time – it was a time of dance and celebration.  It was a time of New Thought – and that New Thought was beginning to fill the minds of the masses. People were waking up and becoming empowered. They were learning that life responds to their thoughts and emotions, and if they change their thinking, life will follow.  It was a brilliant time to be alive.  If we had continued on this path, without interruption, where might we be today?
But, of course, that it is not what happened. The New Age of the early 1900’s was harshly interrupted by the Great Depression.
Many historical researchers agree that “those who run the world” control the economic system in such a way that the great depression was calculated to re-distribute more wealth and power to the wealthy and powerful. But maybe, the great depression served more than one purpose. Maybe the  great depression was also intended to repress the masses. It is not in the best interest of the elite to allow the masses to wake up and get empowered. 
In a world of hierarchy, those on top need those on the bottom to stay on the bottom. If the masses were to wake up to their power as creators and reclaim their abundance through use of their inner mental powers and understanding of how the universe works, then the hierarchy would fall and those on top would have to relinquish their position
The elite had a big investment in keeping the masses asleep. So when people began to wake up in the early 1900‘s, the elite needed a solution that would alter the minds of the people. It had to be something that would undermine the security of the working class and bring them to their knees.  It had to be something that would repress the knowledge and wipe out the idea of personal power. It had to be something that would keep the masses asleep indefinitely. It had to be big enough to create a great depression, and in plain site, it would be called by that name.
The great depression was precisely designed to invoke immense fear, worry and stress in order to create an intentional epidemic of mental depression that would suppress the potential empowerment of the masses.
Let’s face it, you cannot think about being a creator of your life when your survival is at risk. The great depression stole people’s lives; their jobs, their homes, their identities, their resources – it left families begging for food and living in boxes on the streets. When your survival is at risk, you can only focus on survival. If you are starving, the only thing you are thinking about is food. If you are freezing, the only thing that you are thinking about is warmth. If you are homeless, the only thing that you are thinking about is shelter.  Your basic needs must be met before you can think about more sophisticated ideas, such as self empowerment and creating your own reality.  Have you ever tried to speak with homeless people about the law of attraction?  They cannot hear you, because they are focused on basic needsWe only start thinking about growth and personal development when we have at least a certain level of safety and security.
The great depression single-handedly knocked-out the sense of safety and security from everyone.Even those who were not starving and homeless, emotionally suffered in the same way because if it could happen to their neighbors, it could happen to them. You didn’t have to be starving and homeless to have the same fears as someone in those circumstances.  In fact, if you still have something to lose, you might even have more fear.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

The great depression hit most people by complete surprise, as it was intended, so it took away any future sense of security, as well.  If it could happen so abruptly once, it could happen again.  This left those who lived through the great depression in a perpetual state of fear and worry, far beyond the actual end of the great depression. Fear and worry are proactive responses so that you are not caught off guard, if something devastating were to happen. This is a form of post traumatic stress disorder. When someone comes back from war, for example, they might dive under the table if a car back fires. The original trauma gets stored in the person’s subconscious mind so that they are constantly on guard in order to protect themselves from danger. The great depression did exactly this. The scars of the great depression ran so deep that most people lived with the equivalent of post traumatic stress disorder for the rest of their lives.
The great depression was almost 100 years ago, so what does it have to do with us now?
This is where it gets really interesting. The great depression wasn’t just intended to depress and repress the masses at the time of the great depression; it was strategically designed to have long term effects that would be passed down generation after generation. The great depression was a brilliantly dark plan to keep humanity asleep for a very long time.
If you grew up in a home with parents who lived through the great depression, they likely exhibited fear-based beliefs and behaviors of scarcity. Since we imitate our parents, we pick up those very same beliefs and behaviors through nurture, and unknowingly pass them down to our children, as well. But, it goes even deeper than that. The worry, fear and negative energy of the great depression got embedded in our parent‘s or grand-parent’s DNA, like a virus infected program gets embedded in a computer. That fear-based program then got passed down to you and me, and may still be active in our DNA.

The Depression Program

It is no secret that we live in a society of depressed people. Many people are depressed and don’t even know it because it seems like the norm. We have been blaming depression on so many things but what if we are depressed because we are programmed to be depressed? What if we are depressed because it is in our DNA?
A negative program, such as the Depression Program, is created through the repetition of fear-based beliefs that are continuously reinforced by physical reality. The great depression engineered continuous fear that resulted in fear-based beliefs about life and those beliefs were supported by actual events for an extended period of time without knowing when, or if, it would end. When beliefs and reality continuously loop to reflect each other, an automatic internal program results.
The depression program manifests in low self worth, not trusting oneself or others, underlying anxiety, bouts of fear for no reason, panic attacks, phobias, constantly being on guard, looking for problems before they begin, inability to let go, dependence on others for security, fear of not enough, hoarding, blindly following others and not thinking for oneself.
The foundation of the depression program is various levels of fear that include stress and anxiety. When we are in fear, we are unconscious. It is not possible to consciously create from an unconscious state, therefore, we accept and react to everything that comes our way, further perpetuating the fear state. When you are not conscious, you have no control over your most valuable resource – your mind, and therefore no power to change your reality – which is exactly the purpose of the depression program – to keep us asleep and enslaved in a dysfunctional reality that does not support human growth, potential and spiritual evolution. You cannot be depressed and empowered at the same time.
Yes, many spiritual teachers are showing us how to create our reality, but if you are chronically depressed, you can only create from a low vibration and therefore you create a low vibration reality. In this way, using the law of attraction actually works against us in creating more of what we do not want and keeping us entrapped in a dense fear-based reality where we are imprisoned by our own minds. So, even though empowered information is once again coming to the forefront, most of us are too depressed to be able to use it positively and effectively.

Afraid to Feel Good

The thing is, we are not just depressed – many of us are afraid to feel good which only adds to depression. Many people fear that when good things happen, something bad will result. Where does this unnatural feeling come from?
Remember, just before the great depression abruptly hit, people were generally happy and beginning to feel like they could live abundant lives.  They were waking up to the beauty of life and the power that they possess and BAM! – out of no where that joy and happiness was wiped out. When something like this happens, the mind tries to find meaning and patterns to the experience, so it can protect itself in the future. In this case, the mind reasoned that it was dangerous to feel good and as a protection the belief ‘If I feel too good, something bad will happen‘ was embedded in our DNA.
So every time we start to feel really good, our subconscious minds warn us that something bad is lurking so we better not feel that good. This means that every time we feel good, we will have fear that something bad will happen. We then back off from whatever is making us feel good. This may, in fact, be what we have been referring to as the Fear of Success; if I am successful, something bad will happen, so I better not be successful. Once again keeping us depressed and dis-empowered.
I want to be clear that this article is not about victimhood or blame but rather about awareness and self empowerment. If we can understand where our power went, we can understand how best to take it back.

Deprogramming from Depression

Whether or not the great depression caused an intentional epidemic of mental depression or it was just a by-product, many of us are still very much effected by this historic event. It doesn’t matter where it came from as much as it matters that we recognize that the Depression Program exists in our DNA and this program must be turned off, so that we can wake up and live the abundant, happy and successful lives that are our natural birthright.
Since fear and worry caused the mental depression of the great depression, it makes sense that we must release fear and worry in order to turn off the program. The program cannot run without being fed fear-based thoughts and ideas. Therefore, the key to turning off the program is releasing all fear-based thoughts and beliefs. Without being fueled by fear, the depression program has nothing to run on, and will naturally turn off. This is the point.
You can also turn off the depression program by rising above it. Depression exists at a low level of vibration. In order to experience depression, we must vibrate at that same low level. Once you raise your vibration to a level higher than that of depression, the program cannot run. Once again, this means turning away from fear and worry, and moving toward love.
Your job, if you should choose to accept it, is to turn off the depression program in yourself by releasing fear and worry and embracing love. As you release fear and turn to love, your DNA transforms, not only altering the DNA of future offspring, but also effecting the DNA of past generations.
In rising above depression, you reclaim your mind and your ability to focus on creating the life you most desire. From a conscious state, you think for yourself, and you can trust yourself to manifest for the highest good of all. You know your worth and you generously support the worth of those around you. You are empowered to dream big as you confidently take actions based on those dreams. From this exalted place, your world unfolds in joy, harmony and abundance for all – because it could be no other way. You have all the power – here and now.  By Nanice Ellis